aiding and abetting, criminal conspericy, cover up,

I can prove, that Mullins and the rest of the city council cannot be trusted and are corrupt.

I sent them all email, few days before the last presidential election (see below).

I got prof on my email server, and they got it on theirs.

Do you think any thing has changed............ no. As you and I both see, Mullins and other council members are intertwined through the years closely with the corrupt police department.

Mullins accepts this criminal, corrupt behavior, gets away with it and promotes it.

Mullins accepts and has no problem with


false police reports

police miss conduct


witness tampering

criminal intent

dereliction of duty


obstruction of criminal investigation



accessory after the fact


judicial misconduct

cover up

fabrication of evidence



police extracting false confessions

aid and abetting

tampering with evidence

judicial co

false reports


shake downs



obstruction conspiracy

This is just in my case, one little event in the entire scope of things.

I would bet a person can expand on this and find a host of other disgusting things that this mayor is behind and represents in a official capacity.

Maybe Mullins has a on and off switch / personal vs mayor or maybe this is the way she is 24 hours a day.

We can only assume what ever comes from Mullins must be a lie, and he cannot be trusted.


We know what the feds do, find some one to spill the beans and squeal, deal or no deal.

I just wanted the truth, and Mullins seems to have a problem with it. Mullins is now criminal.

I make a citizen arrest, I think jail, fine, loss of job, loss of benefits is in order to the entire council and mayor and more. The manager would have to continue running the city, until special election.